Mye skal settes i stand etter en hard vinter. Bygg skal repareres, vedlikeholdes og klargjøres for en ny sesong med både turister og historisk leirskole.   I Norrøn tradisjon het måneden Gjø etter gudinnen og kvinner hadde lov til å fri siden februar var måneden til Gjø.  I Rogaland ble den kaldt «Kjerringmåneden».  Fastelavn hører kristendommen til og innledning til 40 dager faste før påske. Fasten skal være en tid for bot, bedring og ettertanke.

A lot needs to be put in order after a hard winter. Buildings will be repaired, maintained and prepared for a new season with both tourists and historic school camp. In Norse tradition, the month was called Gjø after the goddess and women were allowed to date since February was the month of Gjø. In Rogaland it was called «Kjerringmåneden». Lent belongs to Christianity and the introduction to 40 days of Lent before Easter. Fasting should be a time for penance, improvement and reflection.

Nordvegen Historiesenter is open Wednesdays from 10-16 and Sundays from 12-17. The souvenir shop is open during the center’s opening hours.
February 12th is Mother’s Day  – we celebrate Mother’s Day with free admission for all mothers.

Nordvegen café is open on Sundays during the center’s opening hours.

Vikinggarden is closed for the winter season, but we organize guided tours for groups on request.

Olavskirken stands in all its glory on top of Avaldsnes. We organize guided tours for groups on request. In the St.Olavs church there is also church service on  Sundays.